OpTecBB WORKSHOP - Machine learning in optical analytics
Veranstaltungen, International, Seminar/Workshop
Further information and registration:
Datum: 13.11.2019 12:30 Uhr - 18:30 Uhr
Ort: Lecture Hall @ HZB (BESSY II), Albert-Einstein-Str. 15, 12489 Berlin-Adlershof
Machine learning in optical analytics encompasses a wide range of applications in which optical instruments and analysis methods are improved by self-learning algorithms. Application examples include the quantitative determination of material composition from complex spectra, fast real-time data analysis incorporating prior knowledge, or intelligent alarm triggers. Current challenges lie in the extension of the application scenarios for machine learning in optical analysis and the creation of a data basis for training the algorithms. Although machine learning is highly developed in some areas of optics such as image processing, there is great potential for novel applications using the unique capabilities and big data offered by optical and X-ray analytics. For users of optical analytics this workshop will show how machine learning enables completely new analysis methods, data fusion from several methods, as well as fast processing of big data not available with traditional algorithms. For practitioners in machine learning, the conference may trigger interest in the use cases and rich data of advanced optical analytics, so that inspiring joint developments will be triggered.
- Veranstalter:OpTecBB e.V.
- Veranstaltungsort:12489 Berlin
- Kontaktperson:Frank Lerch
- Kontakt E-Mail:lerch[at]optecbb.de
- Kontakt Telefon:+49 30 6392 1728 / +49 160 93828356